Special days for our pets 2025
Everyone loves an excuse to celebrate. Here are some more reasons to celebrate with our amazing animals. We have created a calendar full of special days that you can enjoy together. This is not an exhaustive list as there are many other special days. It does however give you a few for each month.
Always make sure you and your pet stay safe while celebrating. Our team are here to help if you need us.
1st New years day
2nd National pet travel safety day
6th National cuddle up day
14th Valentines day
20th Love your pet day
23th World spay day
Pet poison prevention awareness month
3rd World wildlife day
8th International women's day
National pet month
7th World health day
11th National pet day
26th World Veterinary day
Veterinary Nurse awareness month
3rd week Noise action week
22nd International day for biological diversity
5th World environment day
7th World food safety day
8th World oceans day
Plastic free July
1st week Clean beaches week
14th World chimpanzee day
8th International cat day
17th Black cat appreciation day
31st National zoo awareness day
21st International day of peace
28th World rabies day
29th World Heart day
First Monday of October - World habitat day
4th World animal day
31st Halloween
5th Bonfire night
11th Armistice day
14th World diabetes day
9th International day of veterinary medicine
25th Christmas day
31st Universal hour of peace
Please remember :
Special days also need to be celebrated safely. Our pets do not always get the same enjoyment from celebrations as we do. With some small modifications it is likely you can celebrate together safely. Take a look in our blog for more top tips and content liked to specific celebrations. Our expert veterinary team are also always here to answer any questions you may have.